For a first post, I should probably start off with a little background. I've just moved halfway across the United States to attend college. Grad school, to be precise. However, my undergraduate college just happened to be a little under half-an-hour's drive from home, which meant I did my own laundry exactly once in three years. And I was lucky enough to have a boyfriend who loved to cook. All this added up to not really getting the full "live on your own in an apartment" college experience. Until now.
So, this blog will be my documentation of a Pacific Northwester's life down south (although there seems to be some debate to how "South" Arkansas really is--either way, it's definitely south for me). It's also probably going to end up being a "how to live on a budget"-type blog--we can explore that topic together, since I've never actually made a budget in my life, and I definitely don't have much money coming in--and a "how to cook on a busy schedule"-type blog. Recipes, DIYs, interesting tidbits...really anything that goes on will probably end up here. No twitter-like "And then I went to the bathroom" posts though. We don't need any more updates about people's bowel movements or lack thereof. -grin-
So welcome, and hope you enjoy and see something you like!
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